Personalised coaching supervision, mindset, nervous system and business coaching for new and growing coaches and service-based business owners to become the best coach you can be, cut through overwhelm, master your mindset and be in consistent action to grow your business in a way that feels good and gets results.


Join Momentum Now

Starting a coaching business is a roller coaster ride, am I right?

The coaching part: it's lighting you up. You can't believe you get to do this for WORK!

But then, there is everything else. Things like:

  • Navigating new coaching scenarios with clients and how to handle them
  • Feeling clear and confident in your niche (and being able to share it)
  • Mapping out your coaching package or offerings (and knowing what to charge)
  • Finding clients and having sales conversations
  • Having clear messaging that articulates what you do - and then actually doing something with that messagingĀ 
  • Moving through your own doubts, fears and resistance, questioning if you really can be a great coach for other people...
  • And while you're on this incredibly steep learning curve you're also navigating the mindset challenges or wobbles that come alongside putting yourself out there, stepping outside your comfort zone and following your dreams.

It's a LOT.

If you're feeling frustrated, overwhelmed or doubting if you've got what it takes to be the coachĀ  you want and to create theĀ business you're dreaming of, watch this...


There's so much to do. So many things that you never even thought of. You love coaching, yet you're spending all your time trying to figure out how to get clients, price your services, write website copy and second-guessing your niche.Ā Self-doubt is a constant companion and honestly: it's not fun.

I don't share all of this to overwhelm you, although I completely get you might be feeling that way.

I share it because these are the questions and conversations I have every day as I'm supporting coaches to start and grow their businesses and I want you to know you're not alone.

Join Momentum

I've been a mindset and business coach for 10 years now, and in that time Iā€™ve worked with new coaches and service-based business owners who are just starting out right through to seven and multi-seven figure business owners.

The difference that makes a difference that I see in those who go on to have thriving, successful and sustainable momentum.


// They take action consistently, no matter how tiny and incremental it may seem

// They take action even when they're not sure if it's the 'right' action, and theyā€™re feeling fear, self-doubt, imposter complex or resistance

// They have support to navigate the mindset challenges, the strategy and the actions that will help them to start and grow their business and remain in action

// They're clear on the right strategy and action for them to take that is going to create results that help them achieve their unique business goals and vision.

Can you see a theme?

Being in consistent action builds momentum....

Momentum builds your business.

Introducing Momentum Group Coaching

No fluff, just personalised supervision, business and mindset coaching and support so you have clarity to keeping showing up as you start and grow your business.


The truth is, if you want to grow a sustainable business, without burning out, your business needs to be as unique as you are.

Your mindset and energy, your life and commitments outside of your business, your skillset and zone of genius - all of these factors are unique to you.

Your goals and vision for your business - theyā€™re unique to you too.

This means there is no one-size-fits all business strategy or six-step plan that will guarantee the business or results you want.

In an online world full of people telling us toĀ follow six steps to success,Ā to ā€˜hustle-harderā€™ and showcasing only one version of success that can quickly make us feel like we're not cut out for this whole 'being in biz' can get overwhelming. And fast.

Momentum exists to help you cut through overwhelm so you can be in consistent action to serve your clients and grow your business in a way that is right for you.

Itā€™s focused on providing you with tailored supervision, mindset and business coaching support so you can be in action in the most potent way for YOU, supporting you with everything YOU need to set the foundations for your coaching business so you can build momentum and grow a thriving business (and let's be clear: you get to define what thriving is for you).Ā 

I've designed Momentum to include the support that I've seen time and time again makes a difference in helping coaches to be in consistent action as they start and grow their business.

Join Momentum 6 months
Join Momentum 12 months
Join Momentum VIP

Momentum isnā€™t a structured program where I teach you a set curriculum.

You, your goals and vision, you as a coach, your mindset and your business are the curriculum.

Momentum Includes:

Weekly group coaching calls

*Where you have the opportunity to receive 1:1 supervision, mindset nervous system and business coaching.

Ask any question and get hot seat coaching and customised support.Ā 

There are no calls held in the last week of each month to support space for reflection and integration.

All calls are recorded so you won't miss a thing, and you can submit a question beforehand if you can't attend the call live.

You will also be wildly supported in hearing others receive coaching (you know when someone asks something you didn't even know you needed to know).

Resources, Masterclasses,
Pep-Talks and More


Access to an evolving library of videos, audios, Guest Interviews, Worksheets and more to support you with the internal (mindset, energy and nervous system) and the external (actions and strategies) foundations of starting and growing your business.

Membership Hub


Your own dedicated membership portal where you can access call replays, bonus content, resources and more.

Momentum could be right for you if you're:

//Starting or growing your coaching or service-based business but often feel overwhelmed with your next steps and end up spinning in circles, doing nothing

// Constantly doubting and comparing yourself and if you're even cut out to do this whole 'being a coach and having my own business' thing

// Recognising your mindset is stopping you from being in action. You know limiting beliefs, self-doubt, fear, comparison and imposter complex all stop you from showing up consistently in your business and/or you want to explore how mindset can support you go even further

// Worry about navigating different scenarios that come up with clients and how best to handle them. You'd love to be able to tap into the support of an experienced coach to help you grow as a skilled coach


// Someone who knows you work well with the support and regular accountability a coach can provide

// Craving connections, community and friendship with people who just get it...people who are on a similar journey to you


// Questioning if having or growing a business is for you.Ā The 'rules' or things you 'have to' do to have a 'successful; business often make you feel icky. You want to find your own way of doing business that feels sustainableĀ 


//Ā A bit stop-start in your business. You know you need to be more consistent in your business and that having clarity on the exact strategy and actions to focus on would help you, but you're just not sure what to focus on or where to start.

Momentum will support you to:

āœ“ Navigate mindset challenges so you can show up consistently in and for your business without self-doubt, comparison overwhelm and imposter complex getting in the way

āœ“ Have the support of an experienced coach to reflect on and navigate your own coaching and space holding process and experience

āœ“Ā Move out ofĀ overwhelmĀ and into action withĀ the strategy and steps that are going to support YOU to build momentum in your business (withoutĀ having to copy what everyone else is doing)

āœ“ Get clarity and focus on your early-stage business goals and exactly what you need to do to set solid foundations and be in consistent action to start or grow your business

Momentum isn't about:

X Hustling or burning out, working ridiculous hours or showing up in ways you think you *have* to, to grow your business

X Looking at 'successful' coaches and trying to copy what they're doing, without factoring in your unique mindset, vision and the strategy that's right for YOU

X Getting stuck in procrastination, self-sabotage, resistance or self-doubt so you're in the same place 6 or 12 months from now.

I'm in! Momentum here I come...6 months
I'm in! Momentum here I come...12 months
I'm in! Momentum VIP here I come...

Tracy Lee WardĀ 


"When I started working with Laura I had a dream of starting my own business and was studying life coaching, but I had so much fear. I was scared to put my hand up on a call, I had no self-belief, I lacked confidence, was afraid to be seen and to voice my opinion. I was a total people pleaser.


Throughout our coaching together I had so many A-Ha moments and breakthroughs.Ā  I let go of the limiting beliefs I had about why I couldnā€™t do what I really wanted to. Words cannot describe the way I now feel, but I can say without a doubt that I have claimed who I am and stepped into my truth. I have been able to show my true authentic self on social media with confidence. Iā€™ve started working with coaching clients, grown a community, left my corporate job and so much more. I have shifted my mindset from constantly comparing myself. I feel like my voice is now heard and it feels incredible. Iā€™m so grateful to be where I am right now."

Growing a thriving business isn't about doing it all.
It's about doing what works for you and your vision.

Im ready for Momentum

Hi! I'm Laura...

I'm an internationally-certified coach here to help you create the life and business you really want (not the one you think you have to settle for).


If youā€™ve got a feeling that youā€™re meant for more, if youā€™re being called to stop playing small and whole-heartedly step into the vision you have for your life or business, I'm here to help you make it happen.

With my signature Mindset, Magic and Mechanics framework, I'm passionate about working with coaches, and other service-based business owners who are looking to start and grow their heart-centred businesses.

I've worked with hundreds of clients from brand-new to seven figure businesses from around the world, helping them unshackle from labels and limitations and find their own way of doing business that feels good and gets results.

If you're ready to create a business that plays to your unique strengths, that supports you to thrive and create the life your dream of...(even if you think you can't), I'm here to help you make that happen.

Momentum includes:

Weekly Group Coaching Calls

Your opportunity for personalised 1:1 seat coaching.
(The last week of every month is an integration week with no call)

Dedicated Membership Portal

Your space to access call replays, resources and more


An evolving library of fluff-free resources, pep-talks, masterclasses and moreĀ to support you with the foundations of starting and growing your business.

Offering & Pricing Information



I know when you're first starting out and growing your business there is a lot to invest in and so I've intentionally designed and priced Momentum to keep it as accessible as I can, while also providing you with the level of targeted support that is going to help you build momentum and get clients and income flowing into your business.
Spaces in Momentum are availableĀ for six or twelve months. If you join for 12 months, in addition to everything above,Ā  youā€™ll also receive 1 xĀ 30 minute 1:1 session with Laura every quarter (that's 4 in total!).


There are also limited places available to upgradeĀ to the Momentum Mastermind experience. As well as a six month membership to Momentum,Ā you'll also receiveĀ 6 x 1:1 coaching sessionsĀ (which count as a certification coaching series for BYCA), a private group communication channel to access accountability, feedback and coaching support from me between sessions and a monthly masterclasses to provide you with practical and tailored support in your business. This is the best way to access my highest level of support, with my eyes, heart, brain and experience focused on supporting you with the mindset and strategy to grow your business.
If you're ready for Momentum I'd absolutely love to support you.


Momentum Six Month

$330 AUD/month

Includes GST for Australian residents

  • Weekly mindset and business hot seat coaching calls (the last week of every month is an integration week with no call)
  • Resource Library: masterclasses, audios, videos, workshops, worksheets and more
  • Dedicated Membership Portal


Momentum Twelve Month

$303 AUD/month

Includes GST for Australian residents

  • Weekly mindset and business hot seat coaching calls (the last week of every month is an integration week with no call)
  • Resource Library: masterclasses, audios, videos, workshops, worksheets and more
  • Dedicated Membership Portal
  • PLUS: Quarterly private 1:1 call with Laura (4 in total)


VIP 6 Month Mastermind

$990 AUD/month

Includes GST for Australian residents

  • Six month membership to MomentumĀ 
  • 6 x 1:1 coaching sessions (if you are a BYCA graduate this meets the 1:1Ā coaching criteria for certification)
  • A Private Group for Mastermind members only: community, weekly accountability and support
  • Monthly mini masterclass for tailored and personalised support to set your business foundations on topics including: niching, messaging, copy and content and more.Ā 

OnlyĀ three spaces available

An extended payment plan for this option is available at cart stage.


Zoe Jackson


"When I started working with Laura I was lacking confidence in my own ability and I was scared to start an online coaching business. Laura is the perfect combination of mindset and business coaching, we worked through some of the big mindset blocks and beliefs I had and the tangible steps and strategy of setting up my business in a way that works for me and my lifestyle.Ā 


Honestly, working with Laura was nothing short of amazing, productive, inspiring and empowering. I went from being too scared to jump into my dream and passion at the beginning of my time with Laura to working with clients at the end of my time.

When you engage Laura for her services, you just keep climbing to the next level. The power of her kind nature mixed with her expertise will help you step into your dreams and greatest potential."